Is Your Skincare Routine Ready For The Spring?

Is Your Skincare Routine Ready For The Spring?

Now that the calendar has turned to March, you should be getting yourself ready for spring.  Spring weather brings open windows, yard cleanup, less time wearing jackets and a new/revised skincare routine.  The phrase spring cleaning exists for a reason and it should include the change in your skincare routine that will result in a clean, fresh-faced look at the next few months ahead.

When you're thinking about the changes you want to make to your skincare routine you should be thinking about a couple of things.  First, your skin will likely be exposed to more sun in the spring and summer months, so you will want to make sure your routine takes that into account.  Secondly, the weather will be warmer which may result in water loss which could lead to dehydration of your skin.  Finally, your skin will emerge from the cold of the winter already dry and in need of a refresh.  

Keeping in mind these spring conditions there are a few adjustments you should make to your skincare routine.  These small changes will allow you to combat the changing conditions and still keep your skin looking hydrated and beautiful.

The first thing you should do with your skincare routine in the spring is to implement a weekly or bi-weekly routine of exfoliation.  In the past this might have meant going to a spa and dealing with harsh chemical peels that would leave your face red and scarred for weeks at a time.  That is not the case anymore.  Our #1 selling InstantPeel is the perfect way to exfoliate away the winter weather and get your skin looking fresh and youthful without ever having to leave your home.  The best part of it all is that it is gentle on your skin so there won't be any redness or scarring.  

With InstantPeel you don't even need to take our word for it, you can listen to Vogue editor Marina Rust who had this to say about it, "I ADORE this product."

The next thing you should change about your skincare routine in the spring is to add more moisturizer to the mix.  Of course, in the winter you will want to moisturize your skin quite frequently, but if you haven't been doing it regularly you should add another round of moisturizer to your skincare routine in the spring.  With the warmer weather your skin can get dehydrated and cause you to feel like it is looking drab.  A good moisturizer will take care of that in no time.  Might we suggest one of our moisturizers to do the trick?

Your skincare routine doesn't have to be dramatically different coming from the winter to the spring, but a few small tweaks can make a world of difference to how your skin looks and feels.  If you are paying close attention and working hard to make sure your skin is feeling youthful and vibrant you will notice a difference right away with these few small changes.


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