Be Proactive About Avoiding Parched Skin This Fall And Winter

Be Proactive About Avoiding Parched Skin This Fall And Winter

Once the calendar turns over to November you know you may be in for some chillier temperatures and dryer air that can play games with your skin.  Having a good skincare routine in place for the fall and winter months as the weather gets colder can be precisely what you need to do to make sure you skin continues to look bright and youthful throughout the cold weather months.

Your skincare routine is one of the most important things you can do to keep your skin refreshed all season long, but it's not the only important thing you can do.  In fact, there are a number things you can do that will help avoid your skin getting parched and needing repair as the cold weather drags on into the new year.  There are some healthy practices you can get in the habit of doing right now that will serve you well throughout the cold weather season.  If you take steps now to ward off any damages from the cold to your skin you will be in a great place to maintain your glowing look all year round.

While the cold weather may set in at different times throughout the year it can be important to be preemptive with your skincare routine and other strategies to help keep your skin protected from the cold weather.  Even if the cold weather hasn't made it to your neck of the woods yet, you may still want to transition over to working some of these suggestions into your routine so that when the cold does arrive your skin and your mind are already ready to take the steps you need to take to combat the damage it can do to your skin.  

Here are a couple of things you can do, that go beyond your skincare routine, to keep your skin glowing throughout the fall and winter months.

1.) Invest in and use a humidifier.  In the cold winter months utilizing the heat in your home can really dry out the air which can lead to parched skin.  A quality humidifier will add moisture back into the air which will offset the dryness that you experience from running your heat to keep you warm.  A humidifier is a key element to keeping your skin moistened all fall and winter long.

2.) Change up your shower routine.  It can be nice to take a hot shower when it is cold outside, but this is not always the best thing for your skin.  Believe it or not, hot showers can strip your skin of natural oils that work to keep the skin moist, so when you take a long hot shower you are actually doing more damage then good to your skin.  Even though it might not be the most inviting idea, your showers in the winter months should be shorter and with colder water.  This will prevent your skin from losing these natural oils that keep it looking it's best.

3.) Drink plenty of water.  The best thing you can do to help your skin avoid getting parched in the winter months (really all year round) is to drink plenty of water.  If you're drinking enough water you will be able to offset some of the moisture that you may lose when your skin is exposed to the cold weather and therefore it dries out.  A few large glasses of water a day will keep your skin moisturized and avoid it getting parched due to the harsh weather.

4.) Keep your skin covered up.  When you head outside into the cold air you will want to make sure you do not have any exposed skin.  A scarf can help protect your neck and face from the bitter cold that can do damage even after just a few minutes of exposure.  Keeping your skin covered up in the extreme cold of the winter is one of the best things you can do to keep it from being damaged.

Of course a good skincare routine is also vital to keeping your skin well moisturized and avoiding parched skin when the weather is at it's harshest.  The truth is that a rich and creamy moisturizer will help combat a lot of the damage that is posed to your skin by the winter months.  If you can incorporate a good quality moisturizer into your skincare routine daily it will go a long way in keeping your skin feeling and looking its best. 

We are just starting out into the harshest season of all for your skin so it is vital that you keep your skin protected and moisturized throughout the fall and winter months.  If you handle these things properly your skin will be glowing every month of the year and people will be wondering how you managed to keep it looking so spectacular throughout the toughest time of the year for your skin.  


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