Take Care Of Your Skin This Thanksgiving With These Side Dishes

Take Care Of Your Skin This Thanksgiving With These Side Dishes

Today is the day that most people associate with over eating and unhealthy behaviors, but it doesn't have to be that way.  In fact, if you take a proactive approach to your Thanksgiving dinner you can get through a BIG dinner without any damage to your skin that might come with gravy or buttery rolls.  You work hard all year long to maintain a good skincare routine and keep your skin looking youthful, don't let one meal in November damage all of that hard work.

There is good news.  You can still load up your plate if you're making good decisions on what you're choosing.  You can even overeat a bit if you're eating the right things to keep your skin in good shape so you're not dealing with breakouts and oily skin the day after Thanksgiving.  Here are some of the side dishes you can load up on without too much concern for damage to your skin.

1.) Sweet potatoes.  A staple of many Thanksgiving dinner tables, this vegetable that is high in beta-carotene can be a good vegetable to protect your skin from sun damage.  These tasty sides are also loaded with Vitamin C helps promote collagen production which is a great way to keep your skin looking youthful and firm.

2.) Cranberries.  It may be hard to believe, but cranberries contain anthocyanins which are great for preventing redness and swelling of your skin.  These powerful berries pack a bunch to keep your skin from premature aging with loads of Vitamin C and antioxidants.

3.) Pumpkin.  You can even indulge in pumpkin in pie form because it has benefits to your skin.  The orange vegetable has loads of enzymes and alpha-hydroxy acids which can help exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover.  Pumpkin is also loaded with Vitamin A and antioxidants.

4.) Spinach.  If you make your salad for your table with spinach as a base this will be a good way to fill up while also protecting your skin in the process.  One of the most important elements that spinach has is iron which is great for skin health.  This super food is also loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

Now you have a road map for your Thanksgiving meal that can help you prevent damage to your skin and derail your skincare routine.  Maintaining a good skincare routine is important, but so is the food that you put in your body, including at the Thanksgiving table.

We are wishing you a happy and safe Thanksgiving.  

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