The Top 3 Reasons Apple Picking Is Good For Your Skin

The Top 3 Reasons Apple Picking Is Good For Your Skin

If you've ever had the experience of going to a pick-your-own-apple orchard where you get to climb the trees (when you're a kid) and pick that perfect apple off of the tip-top of the tree, you know that there are tremendous mental health benefits to being out with nature and choosing your own food off of a tree.  You may have also heard the expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and thought that going beyond the mental health benefits of apple picking, eating apples must be good for your body as well.  Here is even better news, apples are good for your skin as well.

October is National Apple Month so whether you're going to an orchard to pick your favorite shiny fruit or headed to your local Whole Foods to grab a bushel we wanted to give you the benefit of knowing that not only are these great fruits wonderful for your mental and physical health, but they are also extremely positive to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful, especially going into the winter months.  We hope that by learning this information today, you'll add apples to your diet and consider them a part of your skincare routine moving forward.

We already know that apples of all varieties are delicious and good for you, but now we want to take a deep dive into what makes them good for your skin.  There are a number of reasons why this fruit is good for your skin, but we're going to focus on the three most powerful ways they can help keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant.

1.) Antioxidants.  Apples are rich in antioxidants.  You may have read about antioxidants and the power that they have over keeping your skin free from free radical damage which can contribute to the signs of aging, wrinkles, and fine lines on your skin.  Apples are one of the best natural sources of antioxidants you can eat and when they are in season they is honestly not a better fruit to eat as part of a healthy diet that will promote healthy skin.

2.) You already know that InstantPeel, our #1 selling exfoliant, is a terrific way to exfoliate your skin gently. Apples are a great way to help with the exfoliation of your skin.  They are loaded with malic acid which help exfoliate dead skin and reveal brighter, smoother, more youthful looking skin.  The power of apples to extend your skins ability to exfoliate cannot be understated and if you are looking for more reasons to eat apples, you just found it.

3.) Hydration.  You can always use one of our incredible moisturizers to help with keep your skin hydrated and then you can bite into a healthy apple that will continue the process all day long.  Imagine being able to apply a wonderful moisturizer in the morning and then eat something that will naturally continue the work of the moisturizer throughout the day, with apples you don't have to imagine that anymore.

When you're thinking about your skincare routine and which products you should include in it, you should look no further than Earthen Skincare.  When you're looking to enhance that skincare routine through your diet, look no further than apples.  This fruit is delicious and incredibly healthy for your mind, body and skin. Add in the benefits of getting outside and picking your own apples and you're well on your way to the healthiest autumn you've ever experienced.

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