3 Things You Can Do Now To Rejuvenate Your Skin

3 Things You Can Do Now To Rejuvenate Your Skin

The one thing that is most critical to your skin is having a good, consistent, skincare routine.  If you have the best products and a standard of care you hold yourself to you will likely have glowing skin more often then not.  However, coming out of the cold of the winter months, even the best skincare routine may not combat all of the damage that has been done to your skin.

The good news is there is a new dawn ahead.  Sunshine and warmer temperatures are just what the skin doctor has ordered to rejuvenate your skin and look your very best throughout the Spring and Summer months.

We've compiled a list of the three things you can do to speed up the process of getting your skin to where you always want it to be.  You can spend hours and hours at spas getting skin treatments, but you don't have to.  Get your skincare routine in shape with the Earthen Skincare collection and then take these steps to snap your skin right back into shape.  

  1. Get outside.  There isn't much in the way of your body, mind, or soul, that a little fresh air and vitamin D can't solve.  Fill your lungs with fresh Spring air and let the light touch of the Spring sun wash over you as you take in the natural beauty around you.  Even if you live in a city there are pockets of every city where you can find a little touch of nature.
  2. Exercise.  Getting your blood flowing, taking in additional oxygen, and rehydrating your body after a workout are all great ways to get your skin in tip top shape for the coming warm weather.
  3. Breath.  Many of us who were stuck inside all winter long were doing our very best to hang on and make it through the long gray months.  Deep breaths will not only help rejuvenate your soul, but they will also rejuvenate your skin. 

Anything that will get your body moving and disrupt the day to day of the winter months will go a long way to giving your skin the nutrients it needs to perk back up and find a new life in Spring and Summer. 

Of course all of this is for nought if you do not have a good skincare routine in place to help your rejuvenated skin stay healthy and happy for many months to come.

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