4 Skincare Tips If You Have Oily Skin

4 Skincare Tips If You Have Oily Skin

Oily skin is a very common skincare condition. It can be a frustrating problem because it feels greasy and uncomfortable, plus it increases the chances of acne and breakouts.

If you have skin that produces excess oil, you are not alone. There are many things you can do to tackle this problem and create a more confidence you. 

  1. Exfoliate. Removing dead skin cells is a proper step in your skincare routine. Dead skin cells can cause congestion in pores, resulting to excessive oil production. Earthen Skincare's InstantPeel™ is a gentle way to remove those dead skin cells without harsh chemicals.
  2. Use a good cleanser. Cleansing is a crucial part of your skincare routine when your skin is oily because it removes dirt and excessive oil. Choose an oil-free cleanser that keeps your skin looking clean, fresh and glowing.
  3. Use a moisturizer for oily skin. One of the biggest myths about oily skin is that it doesn't need to be moisturized. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Oily skin happens when your moisture is out of balance. Using a facial moisturizer, like Earthen Skincare's Instant Peptide Face Moisturizer for Oily Skin is specially formulated to maintain the balance.
  4. Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun that can accelerate the aging process or cause long term health concerns.
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