Dads Need Pampering Too

Dads Need Pampering Too

When you think of your dad the first thing that comes to your mind may not be pampering.  Pampering is something you might use when talking about your taking care of your girlfriends for a night of pampering.  Some people might use the term to talk about how they treat their pets to give them a little pampering.  Most people do not use this term when talking about their dad.

We're here to say that we all should start.  Dad's deserve a little pampering too.  Your hardened, tough guy dad, could stand a moisturizing face cream or a once in a while exfoliating treatment.  His skin gets dirty and dry just like the rest of ours and so why wouldn't he want to feel his best.

If you agree, we're giving you a mission.  This Father's Day give your dad the pampering he's always wanted, but would never ask for.  You could even make a day out of it get yourself a little pampering love too.

We've got a couple of suggestions for you to make it extra special;

1. Don't do it ON Father's Day.  Let your other siblings give him the same old tired gifts, all the while you're knowing that yours is going to knock his socks off.

2. Plan a day for just you and him to enjoy together.

3. Get a spread of his favorite snacks together.  Try and keep them light, but we know your dad won't be mad at a few wings.

4. Check the schedule to ensure that you aren't taking him away from anything that he loves.

5. Do it at home.  He may want pampering, but he likely will not want to go to a spa for it, so make sure you let him feel the joy of a good pampering in the privacy of his own home.

This year, show Dad how much you care for him by making him feel the joy that you get when pampering yourself.  Once he sees how good a skincare routine feels, you may convert him into a lifelong skincare guru.  You may not too...and that's ok.


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