Happy National Nurses Day

Happy National Nurses Day

It has been over a year now that the nurses in our area hospitals have been battling this incredibly difficult and challenging disease that has ravaged our communities.

Nurses have been prepping ventilators to save lives.

Nurses have been by our loved one's side as they have taken their last breaths, because we cannot be.

Nurses have been on the frontlines administering the COVID-19 vaccine so that we can all return to our "normal" lives.

It is impossible for a civilian to know what this past year has been like for the nurses in our lives.  It is possible, however, to ask them.  We can give nurses the space to share their stories and talk through some of the most harrowing experiences of their lives with us.  If they want to share, we can be there for them to share.

They were there (and continue to be there) for us and now we can be there for them as they work to return to some semblance of normalcy.  

Today, National Nurses Day, is a good place to start.  Take the time today to send your friend who is a nurse a quick check-in text.  Call your brother who is a nurse and see how he is doing.  If your friend's mother is a nurse, reach out.  A friendly voice and outstretched hand may be all the need to brighten their day.

We owe the nurses of this country and the world a debt of gratitude after they were thrust into one of the most difficult medical scenarios of our lifetime.  We can show them compassion, love, and kindness as they exhale from a year of holding their collective breath.

To all the nurses out there we wish you Happy National Nurses Day and thank you for all that you have done for our communities.

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