How To Get Back On Track With Your New Year's Resolutions

How To Get Back On Track With Your New Year's Resolutions

Can you believe that we are almost a full month into the year 2022?  Neither can we and it feels like we just got started.  There is good news and bad news about the first 20 or so days of the year.  The good news is there are still 344 days left of the year to accomplish the resolutions that you set out on New Year's Eve.  The bad news is, time is ticking.

With that said, it's never too late to get back to your resolutions, even if the first three weeks of January haven't been kind to your goals.  

Before you even begin to try to get back on the wagon and get moving forward with your resolutions take some time to assess what went wrong the first time.  If you wanted to get more organized, did you not leave time for organization?  If you wanted to live a healthier lifestyle, do you need to spend more time on grocery shopping and less time on eating out?  Knowing where you went wrong with you first attempt is one of the most important things you can do to understand how to get back to success with your resolution.

The other important piece to this puzzle is to not beat yourself up over falling off of your resolution in the first place.  If you are getting down on yourself and are not handling yourself with positive self talk, you may be on a backwards slide that will be very hard to get out of to move forward.  If you are forgiving of yourself and allowing that you made some mistakes along the way, but that they are going to make you stronger in the end, you're well on your way to making big moves in the last part of January and moving forward in 2022.

Say for instance your resolution was to take better care of your skin in the new year.  Looking back on the start of the year;  Did you have a skincare routine in place?  Did you purchase the proper skincare products to make your skincare routine a reality?  Did you leave yourself enough time in the morning and in the evening to make sure that you were going to be able to be successful with your new skincare routine?  The first step to achieving your desired outcome is to understand where you came from and the mistakes you made along the way so you don't repeat them again.

Once you are firm in your beliefs that you have understood your mistakes and that you are ready to move forward and not make them again you will want to recommit yourself to your resolution and get off to a strong start by taking one step at a time.  One step builds on the other and before you know it you've developed a routine that will lead you to success along the way.

We're still raising our glass to the possibilities of 2022 and so should you.  You got this!  

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