Is Your Skin Ready For Summer?

Is Your Skin Ready For Summer?

In some parts of the country summer has been slow to arrive this year, but that's ok because it gives you plenty of time to make sure you and your skin are prepared for the warmer weather ahead.  

The summer presents unique challenges for your skincare routine, but you GOT this and can manage your skincare well with a little thought ahead of time.  Take the time today to think about getting your skin ready for the coming onslaught of heat, humidity, and harsh sun rays.

There are three things you will want to do before the weather really heats up to make sure your skin is prepared for a summer filled with fun.  If you follow these three steps you'll be ready to hit the beach and maintain that glowing, youthful look for months to come.

1. Exfoliate.  It is so critical to rinse away the dead skin and make room for a new layer of rejuvenated skin.  You will want to do this in a gentle and thoughtful way so you can avoid red, blotchy skin.  The good news is, this is easy to do and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.  Give Instant Peel a try and your skin will thank you for it.  

2. Moisturize like your skin depends on it, because it does.  The harsh mid-summer sun is known to dehydrate your skin which can lead to your skin looking parched.  There's a solution to that problem too.  You can keep your skin moisturized on a daily basis using one of our face moisturizersInstant CelluMoist is great for those with dry skin and Instant Peptide works well for oily skin.  

3. Find the right sunscreen.  After you've exfoliated and moisturized you need to protect your skin too.  The right sunscreen will match your skin's sun tolerance and you may need to do some experimenting here to get the right mixture for your skin.  It is critical to having glowing skin all summer long to find a perfect sunscreen to use all summer long.

The summer months are fun and bring so much joy to us all.  It's a time for vacations, cookouts, family, and friends.  It can also be a time for sun damage to our skin, but only if we don't prepare.  Take these steps and you can have glowing, beautiful skin all summer long.  

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