Keep Your Skin Glowing This 4th Of July With These Tips

Keep Your Skin Glowing This 4th Of July With These Tips

It's almost that time of year when you can head out and celebrate America with thousands of your closest friends. Whether you're hitting the beach or attending a city fireworks display or just a backyard cookout, there are so many opportunities to cheer on the red, white and blue this holiday week. But beware, this week can also be a time where your skincare routine can get off track quite quickly and easily.

Your first sign of trouble may be when you forget a simple step in your routine like going to bed after a long night of celebrating without using your vegan daily facial cleanser.  Once you forget it one night and then it leads to two and before you know it you've gone to bed over the course of a few nights and the grit and grime for the long summer days have seeped into your pores and all the hard work you've put into your skin leading up to these summer days will be fading away quickly.  Do not forget any steps in your skincare routine, even if you are celebrating and having the best time of your life.  You can squeeze in a few minutes to keep your skin glowing.

Another sign of trouble is when you head out into the hot summer sun and you do not protect your skin from the damaging UV rays of the summer heat.  The sun will do damage to your skin quickly and will linger for quite some time if you're not careful.  Make sure you are using a strong SPF, but don't go overboard.  Even though sunscreen is sold in SPF upwards of 100, you really only need to purchase one that is around 30 SPF to give you great protection, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.  Anything over that may be overkill.  

The other thing you will want to do to make sure you keep your skin glowing when you're out enjoying the summer festivities is to make sure you are covering your skin when you can.  A stylish hat is a great way to protect your skin and long-sleeves are never a bad idea if you're going to be in the sun all day.  Clothing is one of the best ways you can take control of your skin and keep it from getting parched and starting to not look its best.  If you have stylish clothes that are breathable you've hit the jackpot and can keep your skin looking great while also enjoying your 4th of July holiday.

Whether you're basking at the beach or in awe of the fireworks you will want to take some steps to keep your skincare routine in tact and your skin looking spectacular and glowing as bright as the burst of patriotism in the sky.  If you take a few extra minutes before you go out and after you get home you'll be doing wonderfully in no time.  If you don't take the time to keep with your skincare routine you could be doing some lasting damage to your skin that will need a lot of work to reverse.  

We hope you enjoy the 4th of July festivities and come out the other end continuing to rock that glowing skin you've always cherished.  

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