Love Is Kind Day (Loving Yourself Is Kind Too)

Love Is Kind Day (Loving Yourself Is Kind Too)

Each year on July 27th we celebrate Love Is Kind Day.  Here at Earthen Skincare we celebrate love on this and everyday because we know that it is one of the cornerstones of a happy and healthy life.  Those who have deep love in their lives have bonds that will outlast the latest Twitter feud or reality show nonsense that often consumes us.  Love is so important to living that we are glad that there are many days that celebrate it.

Today is one of those days, but we choose to extend it even further.  Yes we hope that you have love in your life from people in your circle, but we also hope that you are extending that love to yourself.  Loving yourself is kind too and it is the best kind of love you can have.

Spending time with others and showing them love and kindness is a great way to fill your heart and soul with joy.  Loving yourself and showing yourself kindness is a way to find lasting happiness and peace.  Today, and everyday, we wish you the ability to find love for yourself in ways big and small.  

If you have trouble finding that love, we've put together a small starter series of things you can do to dip your toe into the world of loving yourself.  It can be hard sometimes, but if you can make it happen your world will open to possibilities you never knew existed.  

1. Love your personality.  Be proud of who you are and wear it for the rest of the world to see.  

2. Love your body.  When you look in the mirror what do you see?  Work to see the beauty that lies within you that so many in the world already see.

3. Love your skin. A good skincare routine will make you feel like a million dollars.  

4. Love the journey.  The journey that you are on is yours uniquely.  It will take twists and turns, but when you get to your destination, the journey will have been the whole point all along.

5. Love the calm.  When there is calm around you, there is peace.  Peace is a way to find love.  Enjoy the calmness that surrounds you and you will be at one with yourself.

Loving yourself today and every day is the essential way to find true happiness.  It is wonderful to be loved.  It is special to love.  It is a unique kind of peace that will find you when you can love yourself.  

We wish for you the joy that is known when you find the ability to love yourself for who you truly are.

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