New Year, New You

New Year, New You

It is finally here, the year that shall not be named is over and 2021 has begun.  What a relief.  As lightness is on the horizon there is much to be hopeful about, and new joys to be found.  

This year I will be focusing on ME.  It can sometimes be hard to say that, but for my own self care and mental health, I must take the time to be zeroed in on my needs and how I can make 2021 a highlight year for myself and my family.  I hope you'll join me in a focus on YOU.

New year, new you will mean something different to everyone.  You might want to live a healthier lifestyle.  Your mother might want to get into painting.  Your sister might want to focus on perfecting her skincare routine.  Your father might want to travel more.  Your partner might want to spend more time with your kids.  Whatever this annual mantra means to you, make this the year that you actually DO IT.

It is so easy to let the hustle and bustle of the day turn into the hustle and bustle of the week and then the month and finally you're back here next year wondering, what if.  Don't let 2021 be your what if year, make it your what's next year!  Focus on you and your needs and you will be a better daughter, a better sister, a better partner, a better friend, a better parent.  If you get YOU right, everything else will fall into place.

Take these three steps right now to make sure you're ready to see your goals through in 2021.

1. Make SMART goals, that's Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based.

2. Set aside time for yourself.  Don't let your day get away from you.  Be specific about when you want to work on your goals and go after them.

3. Start now.  If you wait until next week, next month, before you know it it will be, wait until next year.

I hope you have an incredible 2021.  Let this be your year where you get to the mountaintop of your life.  I know you can do it, we'll be doing it together.  Cheers to you.


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