Show Yourself Some Love During Self Esteem Month

Show Yourself Some Love During Self Esteem Month

The month of February is filled with all kinds of love.  Love for your family, love for your friends, love for your girlfriend or boyfriend, but what about love for yourself.  February has a little bit of that as well.

February, the month of love, is also self esteem month.  It's a time for you to look inward and appreciate the beauty that you bring to the world.  There are 29 beautiful days for you to be able to improve your self talk and self esteem.

Self esteem is something that many of us struggle with, but here are some ways you can work to improve your self esteem over the next few weeks of February and moving forward as well.

1. Positive self talk.  The best thing you can do for your self esteem is to talk positively about your self.  Make a commitment to yourself this month and every month moving forward that your inner monologue will be of positive, self affirming things, and no negativity will be allowed to creep in.

2. Take time to be grateful.  Be grateful for you good qualities. We all have a tendency to dwell on the imperfections.  Focusing on being grateful for the qualities that you bring to the world will go a long way to helping you accept and celebrate yourself the way you are.

3. Accept compliments.  How many times has someone complimented you only for you to say something like, "oh I don't think're too kind."  Take someone at their word that your quality is one that they appreciate.  Take in their compliment and allow yourself to feel the warmth that comes with it.  

Self esteem is something that many of us struggle with on a daily basis.  It is something that you have to consciously work to improve.  It is also one of the best ways you can gain happiness and strength to tackle the difficulties that life throws at you.  

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