Skincare Tips For Dry Skin Season

Skincare Tips For Dry Skin Season

It's a wonderful time of year. The time for sweaters, warm boots, flannel shawls, and the dreaded dry skin. It can be painful and itchy, in addition to changing the appearance of the skin. In the fall months, we tend to move indoors, which can make maintaining healthy skin more challenging. The skin is the body’s largest organ and it’s important to take care of it all year long. Following these 7 quick skin care tips can help prevent and treat dry skin this fall.

  1. Curb the super hot showers. Hot, hot, hot showers are not a friend to dry skin as it breaks down the natural oils on the skin's surface. 
  2. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Whether you have normal to dry skin or oily skin, keeping your skin hydrated is the key to keeping dry skin at bay. 
  3. Use a humidifier. Putting moisture back into the air will help prevent extreme dry skin. 
  4. Skip the lotion, use a cream. Lotions can be more irritating and less effective than moisturizing creams
  5. Lip balm. Make sure you use a good lip balm so your lips don't dry.
  6. Exfoliate.  InstantPeel™  will gently remove of the top layer of dead skin cells and expose newer healthier-looking skin. 
  7. Layer up. Wearing gloves anytime you’re outside will help decrease raw skin. Also, it is important to wear layers of clothing when being active outside. If you experience sweating, you can take off layers and reduce wet clothes being close to the skin as they can cause irritation.
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