The 3 Don'ts of Your Skincare Routine

The 3 Don'ts of Your Skincare Routine

So you've gotten yourself into a great skincare routine, but something just isn't right.  You have found the perfect vegan facial cleanser.  You get a wonderful, youthful feeling when you use your new face peel.  There just seems to be something that is not quite fitting the routine right.

When you're thinking about how to get the most out of your skincare routine, think about the things you're doing right, but also, think about the things you may be doing wrong.  These are the don'ts of every skincare routine and they could take a perfect routine and turn it into a do-nothing series of steps.

Here are your don'ts for your skincare routine.

1. Don't mix up the times you're supposed to be going through your routine.  Starting Monday at night and then doing Tuesday in the morning, may have an immediately positive impact, but the long-term potential damage could have a lasting impact.  

We call it a skincare routine for a reason.  You should be following it at the same time of day, every day.  If you're not, you're setting yourself up for failure.

2. Don't use different products interchangeably.  Of course it is ok to experiment with different products until you find the one that is just right for you, but if you've found the right product, stick with it.  Switching products mid-stream may throw your routine off and leave your face feeling a little stretched in multiple directions.

3. Don't run out of the products you're using.  Admit it, this has happened to you and maybe even more than once, you are in a good skincare routine and all of a sudden you run out of your facial cleanser and everything stops.  Your routine grinds to a halt and you procrastinate on ordering more cleanser.  Then you're a few days removed from your last routine and you fall into your old bad habits.

Make sure to regularly take stock in how much of each product you have and whether or not you need a refill.  Doing this will allow you to stay on track and not land in bad habit town again.

Getting into a routine is the most important thing you can do for your skin.  Once you've found your rhythm, do everything in your power to keep the beat steady.  


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