Transitioning from Cold to Warm Weather Skincare

Transitioning from Cold to Warm Weather Skincare

Do you remember the song, In The Air Tonight?  The Phil Collins classic which was made famous again with the hi-jinx that took place in the movie The Hangover?  This is how I am feeling today.

I can feel it comin in the air tonight.  Hold on.

I am holding on and ready for the warmer weather to arrive and each and every day that passes there is more and more warmth in the air tonight.  

The coming days, weeks, and months ahead will bring about great change.  Bare tree branches will give way to buds and then blossoms.  Bulbs will peak above the ground for the very first time.  Sweaters will give way to t-shirts.  Hot yoga will be replaced by beach yoga.   

Let's celebrate, Spring is HERE!

While you're tilling your soil and stretching your legs, don't forget one other Spring weather preparation you need to make, your skincare routine needs to have some minor tweaks.

Here are three quick things you can do this week to make your skincare routine ready for the incoming Spring weather and leave the gray winter days behind.

  1. Less moisturizer, more cleanser.  Winter months come with dryer air that can leave your skin parched.  Spring and Summer months will leave you sweating more due to the warm air.  Washing away the dirt and sweat with our Vegan Daily Facial Cleanser that you need to use twice daily. 
  2. Exfoliate more.  With more activity and sun exposure comes more need for you to gently wipe away dead skin.  Our extremely gentle InstantPeel exfoliant will leave your skin smooth and can be used multiple times per month without causing any damage.  
  3. Incorporate SPF into your routine.  Your skin needs to be protected even more from the sun in the Spring and Summer months so make sure you have protection as part of your skincare routine, especially if you'll be spending a significant portion of your day outside in the sun.

Taking some small steps now to improve your skincare routine for the Spring months will set you up for great success when battling the harsh heat that Summer has in store.

Spring weather is on the way, can you feel it?

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