Skincare Tips For Autumn

Skincare Tips For Autumn

It happens every year: warm breezes turn to cool crisp air and PSLs. It can be hard to pack away summer dresses and flip flops, but jeans and sweaters feel good to pull into your wardrobe rotation.

Here are 4 skincare tips for when the weather turns cooler:

  1. Use a Vegan Facial Cleanser. Leaving your make-up on your face can present more skin problems. It's important to make sure your cleanser removes dirt and make-up.
  2. Moisturize daily. Whether you have normal to dry skin or oily skin, it's important to keep your skin hydrated.  Maintaining proper balance is the key to proper hydration. 
  3. Use sunscreen. Sunscreen should be applied daily to protect the skin. 
  4. Exfoliate. Keep that glowing, sun-kissed skin by exfoliating. Shed those dead skin cells and reveal your radiant skin.
  5. Maintain a skincare routine. Just like with exercise, consistency pays off. Maintaining a skincare routine that is right for your skin will provide the results you are looking for.


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